Wednesday, February 17, 2010

rant on a rant

Found this beaut from way back enjoy!
dude hate me or not i think about some things and like to talk about them, heres what i really stood out on my night off........ and then i just played some tar.
>> Is this real? how is it that people must get offended about curtain ideas? i purposed that maybe and i will emphasize here, MAYBE it wasn't the consumers fault for global warming but the creator(not to mention it might not even be real, according to many scientists.), and the reaction was quite hostile. One girl in a frustration included herself in the topic and told me to read a book to find out about the topic, little did she know that i actually read quite a bit of information/ disinformation on the topic at hand. i wasn't selling any point i was just raising a discussion; who was at fault for our people's demise. People were a bit aggravated that i even said anything contrary but fuck it i have my opinions so why must i sit in the dark, i believe what i believe and so be it. I merely raised the idea of the corporations being at fault, no need to blame the consumer for fault after all it seems much easier to blame a corporation for a problem than to blame an individual. I have recycled my whole life yet there is still a problem, i am still blamed for an-others mistake, why blame? remaining cool headed was tough and i did accuse this girl of watching too much cnn and accepting it as fact... as a matter of fact i told this educated gentleman, of studying biased information as i do when speaking with people who bring up their studies of a subject at a university level. nothing is fact. I refuse to believe anything as long as money exists and this guy really seemed to understand where i was coming from so he was more intrigued than offended but damn that girl was annoying every time she interrupted me. i mean in all my points i never stated anything factual i just said what if? and that not necessarily the consumer was at fault. i think too many people are narcissistic, that each individual looks for cause in their life whether or not its good or bad, hate me for saying it but here is what i think i derived from this night on the town. people need to feel needed and whether they feel needed or not it need not matter for they feel wanted. we all want a purpose, a higher calling but i swear it shouldn't be the deterioration of our species thats just taking it too far, i mean get over yourself.