>Hello, computer thanks for letting me type away about my days whenever I feel. I’m not sure what you think of my photos, music selection, and my general thoughts or me but damn you’ve overheard it all. Come to think of it you probably know me best. If only you could generate some advice and wisdom, or can you? Perhaps one day you will just give a big cough of dust and start telling me off bitching about how I don’t clean you often enough ahhh if only one day… you can do everything else for me but talking back just ain’t one of them ey? I suppose that’s why we make friends and keep em, my friends are great but I’m not as close as I was with my Ottawa buds they were and always will be like family to me. Never an instant went by when we were faking each other out and if one of us did that shit would get called on…no bullshit you know? That could be us you know all you have to do is cough! I never gave you a name computer; maybe I should that way this story might have some character. Here we go I’m going to set it “Bazel” yeah Bazel the Mac that’s got a great ring to it.
So Bazel I really started talking about our relationship and how it has grown over the years. I bought you off the apple site back in Feb. 06 refurbished. What was wrong with your last relationship with a human? Maybe you two just didn’t match, that can happen you know the person may have had a technological break down. All I can picture is some poor sap bringing you back to the apple store in tears, snot pouring out of their nose talking about how they’re not ready for this kind of relationship. They would scream “it’s not you its me! I can’t take this, the technology is moving to fast for me!” and exit my daydream running out of the store. I wonder the oddest thoughts sometimes, you don’t always pick up on them but when I get the chance I write them down in yah hoping for some response. Since you don’t budge on that front I usually get a response from myself further down the road when I read what was typed and either smile with pride or blush wondering what the fuck I was thinking or who the hell wrote that because it sure isn’t me in the present! I like those moments. Embarrassment makes you really feel something very distinct; its not like having your heart broken, shredding a fresh line (snowboarding), or getting punched in the face. If I had to compare it to anything it would have to be close to the feeling of seclusion and being completely alone, it only makes sense considering you’re alone in that moment and feeling. I forget who said it but I like the positive outlook upon embarrassing moments they said “its healthy to embarrass yourself at least once a day.”. My perception on that thought is that He/She must be referring to the lives that are lived through the eyes that see it as one fun experience and not as a numeric value, like it keeps your head on your body and a smile on your face. I like staying focused on the fun, however the more numbers that follow me in accordance to years seem to make it harder to live that way. The laws of attraction would suggest that I am bringing these feelings upon myself through little subconscious thoughts. Sorry for ranting there Baz but I just tend to go off and forget to end those sentences sometimes. I type how I talk and my speech is definitely subpar to the graduates of university but that’s fine I can handle it. Until next time thanks for listening Bazel you’re my favorite appliance.
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