Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy 420

The morning was a gloomy one, the clouds were hanging low and the booming voice of my roommate replaced the alarm that is usually set in my cell. I opened my eyes but remained in the fetal position, I didn't feel like getting up the dream was way better than being awake so back down went the eyelids and I tried to remember the adventure that was just taking place. 15 seconds go by and then a burst of laughter so loud came from upstairs "HAHAHA DUUUUUDE!!" and the base line dropped vibrating through every wall in the house. It was 10am and it sounded like an event was taking place. Just when I was wondering what the big deal was out come the numbers in words "four twenty"... I should have known by the reggae that was playing.
The thing about 4:20 that gets me is the celebration. what are we celebrating? Marajuana is pretty intertwined with pop culture nowadays and since everybody's doing it we are given a day where the police seem to look the other way. I don't get why it's still illegal and why cigarettes are legal a known killer is legal and pot a well known booster of moral isn't... it seems black and white to me. I don't smoke it but in these hard economic times I feel like if it was legalized would solve a couple problems and give way for controlled safe distribution of a gang related product. 420 seems like an empty celebration and with the legalization every time the clock stuck those numbers maybe we could remember the time when our economy was boosted back into shape rather than the time you got charged for possession.
The Marajuana Party of BC states that 2 billion dollars a year would be generated in tax revenue alone, would create jobs, eliminate organized crime dealing with the substance and essentially would keep the public happy. Now I know the "what if'"s are there but come on they are just one big hypothesis, we all know life in moderation is sustainable and in a world with an unsustainable population why not legalize a plant that grows from the ground right? If weed is controlled and taken out of the hands of the illegal dealers the effects regarding safety will be reduced because less chemicals will be used, and parents can rest easy now that little jimmy's pot isn't laced with cocaine.
Now I know smoking is bad and people might die from it but overpopulation is also bad and unfortunately there is only one way to solve that, so add it to the list of things to die by doing and people can at least take comfort in the fact that they will be laughing along the way.

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